Today, school pupils across Scotland will be getting their exam results! And I hope if you know anyone in that position, that they get the results that they’re hoping for.
In April, in my Facebook group, Be Seen Be Heard Be Known!, I did a Tuesday Chat (my weekly live presentation) where I compared ViDEO making to exams and I looked at how you need to break down your knowledge base and think about the questions your Target Audience would, or should, ask. Obviously, there was a bit more to it than that..
Today though, pupils will be getting their exam results.
This is where they find out if their hard work has paid off – or not!
This is where they realise that maybe they should have put in more hours of study – or listened to their teacher – or even chosen a different subject!
It could be for some pupils that they simply struggle with the academic system and that allowances or a change of direction were not offered to them.
It might even be that this year’s paper was marked too strictly and appeals will have to be made.
Obviously, it’s important to remind pupils that whatever their results, the important thing is for them to be someone who is happy, healthy, confident, kind, caring, hard working and resilient. (Something we should all be striving for!) If they can achieve that, they’ll be more likely to achieve their goals in life.
Are You Achieving Your Goals?
When it comes to ViDEO, are you achieving your goals?
As with school pupils, you do need to put in some work.
You might need to learn about some aspects of ViDEO making that you’re perhaps not sure about.
That could be around Content or Equipment, for example.
If there are any particular areas where you need help, do some research or you know where I am if you need me, I’m here to help.
Nobody knows everything about ViDEO making but you can assess what you really need to know and make that a priority.
If you’re passionate about your subject, for example, your business, then learn what you need to know about ViDEO to power up your business!
And you do need to practice too!
Whether that’s with your Presentation Skills or your Camera Set Up or your Post Production Skills.
Because you’re not likely to produce the perfect ViDEO on your very first attempt.
But if you can exercise that resilience that we want our kids and pupils to have – and, if you keep going with it and persevere, then you should start to see the results you want coming through.
Because, as with prelims or mocks, if you don’t get the results you want, you can look at what you’ve done so far.
Check out one of your ViDEOs...
What works?
For example –
Does it look good?
Is the sound clear?
Is your presentation style spot on?
What doesn’t work?
For example -
Is it too light, too dark?
Is it a bit too wobbly?
Is the framing not quite right?
What do you like about it?
What do you not like about it?
If you’re posting on social media, which of your ViDEOs are getting engagement and what’s different about them as compared to the ones which aren’t getting much engagement?
It's Not Heart Surgery
It’s not heart surgery; nobody dies if your ViDEO isn’t absolutely perfect.
(I've said this before and I will say it again!)
But yes, you do want it to be as good as possible and as professional looking as you can make it.
Put in the work...
Get help with anything you don’t understand or you’re not sure about
Give it a go
Check your results
Be ready to persevere, be resilient and to be flexible.
(I did a Tuesday Chat a while ago about being flexible with ViDEO...)
So, if your prelim results aren’t perfect, it’s not the end of the world, you can learn from your mistakes and you can try again.
It's Time!
And did you know that today, the 8th of August is also known as the Lion’s Gate in astrology.
It’s a time for dreaming and manifesting.
So, an excellent time to set some goals and you can then see them come to fruition once you've put in the work!
By the way, the ‘portal’ is open until around August 12th so if you’re reading this after the 8th, you haven’t missed out!
You Can Do It!
It’s never too late to start using ViDEO and
YOU Really Can Be
Awesome ViDEO Star!
Be safe, be well, be productive and enjoy your ViDEO Ventures!
Bye for now!
Julie x
PS This was delivered as a live presentation in my free Facebook group, Be Seen Be Heard Be Known! which you're very welcome to join. You'll find it HERE!
PPS You can get a copy of my free ViDEO Production Checklist and Kit List HERE!